19 March, 2007

“Germany’s Schizophrenic Approach to Freedom of Speech.” by Curt Maynard

Free Ernst Zundel. FREE HIM NOW!Oh My God. Ernst Zundel said Israel is “a place of refuge for world gangsterism!”
By Curt Maynard

Get a rope! Can you believe it? Ernst Zundel actually said Israel; our charming, beloved, ally in the Middle East is “a place of refuge for world gangsterism.” What will he say next, that Israel is the very cause of the worst problems in the Mid East today, or that Israel has a Fifth Column firmly entrenched in the governmental and media apparatuses of numerous western nations? Oi Vey NO!

That’s right, Ernst Zundel, famous free speech advocate, pacifist, human rights activist and holocaust skeptic has been denounced by the German Judge, Ulrich Meinerzhagen, who convicted and sentenced him for five years for expressing his opinions. In a magazine interview, the Judge referred to Zundel as “inflammatory, racist agitator” for simply saying that Israel is a “refuge for world gangsterism.” Yep, that’s it, that’s all. According to Spiegel Online, the “illustrious” judge Meinerzhagen, “to illustrate his point, read passages from Zündel’s racist and anti-Semitic writings, [and all he could come up with was that Zundel had] called Israel “a place of refuge for world gangsterism.”

Well my God, if that’s all Zundel is guilty of, lock me up too. Hell, lock up seventy-five percent of everyone on this planet. Israel IS a refuge for world gangsterism and anyone with half a functioning brain is well aware of that fact too.

Let’s talk about all of the gangsters now living in Israel, most of which got there by way of cheating, killing, robbing, stealing and then fleeing the consequences of their actions in their former countries of origin by claiming Israel’s Law of Return, which excludes the possibility of being sent back to face trial for their crimes. You have to admit that a law like the “Law of Return” is a handy little advantage to any gangsters that might want to avoid extradition for crimes they committed in other countries–but you have to be Jewish in order to receive it. In fact many gangsters have taken advantage of the Law of Return over the years, most recently several oligarchs that stole billions from the Russian people in the 1990s, but were stopped in their tracks by the Russian patriot Vladimir Putin, who had many of them indicted several years ago.

A few of these include multi-billionaire Leonid Nevzlin, who helped jailed oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky steal billions from the Russian people by way of stock manipulations/insider trading, threats, extortion and murder and who now resides comfortably in Israel without the slightest worry that he’ll be extradited, despite the fact that Russia has warrants out for his arrest and has approached Israel numerous times to hand Nevzlin over.

On April 26, 2004 the Associated Press wrote the following:

“Three billionaire oil executives, a publishing tycoon and a former Putin ally have all taken up residence in Israel in recent years as Russia sought their arrests, rankling officials in Moscow.” The article then continues, “The Yukos scandal [The theft of Russia’s oil infrastructure in the 1990s] had a political and maybe Jewish roots,” said Roman Bronfman, an Israeli lawmaker who immigrated from the Soviet Union in 1980.”

“The three oil executives living in Israel — Leonid Nevzlin, Mikhail Brudno and Vladimir Dubov — are former partners of Khodorkovsky and all are wanted by Russia on fraud charges. The men, all of whom appeared on the Forbes list of the world’s billionaires in 2004, are now directors of Group Menatep, a holding company that owns 60 percent of what remains of the dismantled Yukos empire.”

So, as any blind fool can see, three Jewish billionaire gangsters wanted in Russia for fraud ran off to Israel in order to seek “refuge” from their crimes, where refuge was then found. Based on this information isn’t it safe to say that Zundel at least had a point and was guilty more of telling the truth than he was of “racism” or “anti-Semitism?”

Two other well known billionaire gangsters that also have sought and found refuge in Israel include Boris Berezovsky and Vladimir Gusinsky. Both have homes in Israel and neither fears being extradited for their crimes. When Ariel Sharon was asked why he wouldn’t hand over these gangsters to Russian authorities, he answered in the the Yediot Ahronot newspaper, “I do not intend to turn anyone over.” “Since the days of my youth, I have been opposed to turning over Jews. I am saying this in the clearest manner possible.” In response to Sharon’s statement, Gusinsky said he found those comments reassuring. “I’m not afraid of Putin at all.”

In light of the above, is Zundel really guilty of “racism” and/or “anti-Semitism,” or is he guilty once again of telling the truth?

The above mentioned gangsters are only a few of those that have successfully sought and received “refuge” in Israel. The Jewish state also harbors war criminals wanted for crimes against humanity as with Solomon Morel, wanted in Poland for the mass murder of more than 1,500 Germans at a place known as the Swietochlowiche camp immediately following the end of the Second World War. Israel has refused to extradite this gangster as well, Zundel knows this, but unfortunately the vast majority of everyone else in the world does not.

Few would argue today that such people as Menachem Begin, Ariel Sharon, Yitzak Shamir and several other Israeli leaders have been terrorists. What else would you call the atrocities committed at Sabra and Shatila, at Nablus, and most recently in Lebanon? What happened in Lebanon last summer was terrorism/gangsterism, pure and simple – the Israelis intentionally went after civilian infrastructure and violated the so called laws of war numerous times–you know it and I know it too.

Judge Meinerzhagen and most recently Rainer Muenzel, German Consular General and the author of the notorious “Muenzel letter,” which awkwardly attempted to justify the governmental suppression of Ernst Zundel’s free speech because of Zundel’s “irresponsibility,” in that he continues to question an aspect of history the German government does not want questioned goes a long way in explaining how it is that Zundel is now, according to Spiegel Online, being called the “martyr of the German Reich.” But what Spiegel doesn’t want to tell you, is that it isn’t just the so called “far right,” that is referring to Zundel as a “Martyr” and a “Champion of Free Speech,” “it’s the left too and millions of moderates in between! Left leaning websites that have in the past and continue at present to cover the Zundel case include Counterpunch.org, Peoples Voice, Mathaba.net, Al-Jazeera.info, Uncensored, uruknet, Deir Yassin remembered, Johnkaminksi.com, Whatreallyhappened.com, and dozens upon dozens of other websites and hundreds of blogs that tend to lean to the left politically. The railroading of Ernst Zundel is not something only the so called “far right” is concerned about; the false imprisonment of Ernst Zundel has become an international issue with an international following of people of all political persuasions concerned with what is happening to him.

Within the last forty eight hours several thousand people have accessed the following article on one website alone, [The article has been posted on dozens and dozens of websites with large followings] despite Google’s best efforts to suppress it: “Germany’s Schizophrenic Approach to Freedom of Speech.” In order to give you an idea of the audience Zundel now has, consider the list below, which reveals all of the countries people interested in the Zundel case come from:

USA, Netherlands, Canada, China, Australia, Tunisia, Japan, Indonesia, Germany, Great Britain, Denmark, India, Finland, Spain, South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, Czech Republic, Italy, South Korea, Turkey, Slovenia, Switzerland, Barbados, Israel, Estonia, Belgium, Russian Federation, Puerto Rico, , Iran, New Zealand, Saint Lucia, Ireland, Panama, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, France, Philippines, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Hong Kong, Mauritius, Costa Rica, Sudan, Oman, Bangladesh, Zambia, Austria, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Poland, Luxembourg, Ukraine, Norway, Monaco, Hungary, Romania, Fiji, NA, Taiwan, AR, Greece, Netherlands Antilles, Iceland, Maldives, Uruguay, Pakistan, Seychelles, Nigeria, Kenya, Virgin Islands (USA), AP, Croatia, Chile, CO, Peru, Lebanon, Bulgaria, A1, PS, Ecuador, Turks and Caicos Islands, Tanzania, Libya, Saint Vincent & Grenadines, Egypt, Bahamas, Brunei Darussalam, EU, OC, Reunion (French), Suriname, Senegal, Slovak Republic, Syria, Moldavia.

I don’t know about you, but I’d call that an International audience myself! I don’t know what it tells you, but it tells me that Ernst Zundel is well on his way to becoming the next Nelson Mandela in the sense of being viewed by the world as a persecuted political prisoner, and that is by the way exactly what Zundel is, a persecuted political prisoner!

In the words of the man himself: No Surrender!

18 March, 2007

Tanel Tatteri veerg: Räpane hetero

Tanelil on tuline õigus. Ja need idiootliku "poliitilise korrektsuse" käes vaevlejad ei teadvusta endale sellist tõsiasja, et iga pede, lesbi ja pervert tegelikult SÜLITAB EESTI RAHVALE ja igale EESTLASELE eraldi näkku. Rahvuse esmaseks ja peamiseks ülesandeks ennast taas toota. Järgmiseks on muuta oma indiviidide elu võimalikult majanduslikult sõltumatuks. Pede võib olla "popp ja noortepärane" aga tegelikult iga selline indiviid jääb eestluse jaoks "lõppenud liiniks". Lillade ja lesbide "abielud" võivad küll toredad olla kuid tegelikult nad lapsi ikkagi lapsendavad (kui nad seda teevad) kas siis seaduslikult või ebaseaduslikult.
Kinsey ja mõned teised on oma uuringutes väitnud, et "lillasi" on olnud läbi inimajaloo keskmiselt 5-10% populatsioonist. Enamus neist jäi kuni tänapäevani latentseteks lilladeks ehk lähtuvalt ühiskonna normidest ei hakanud nad kunagi pedereerima. Teine mõjuv tegur mis takistas varasematel sajanditel pedede levikut oli tunduvalt tugevam perekondlik struktuur. Ehk laps kasvas ja sai vanemlikku armastust ning näitliku kogemusi kuidas perekondlik traditsioon peab toimima.
Viimasel paaril sajandil aga tänu suht kunstlikult loodud "monetaarsele kultuurile" toetudes on hakanud traditsiooniline perekondlik traditsioon lagunema. Tekkinud on võimalus kus väga paljud lastest on kaotanud koduse perekondliku mudeli kuna nad topitakse (ja tihti sõna otseses mõttes) lasteaeda siis kooli ning ilma jääb ta ema ja isa armastusest nende toetusest vajalikel hetkedel ja kasvabki psühholoogilselt rikutud inimene kes on aldis igatsorti perverssustele. Hulkumine väljaspool kooli ja kodu viib tahestahmata selleni, et laps EI OSKA koos elada normaalses suhtes teise inimesega. Sealt tulevad kõik need üksik emad kelledel on liiga kiire lapse kasvatamisega kuna peab olema ju tööl et lauale muretseda elementaarset eliba ja riideid selga. Antus situatsioonis LAPS EI ÕPI perekondlikke väärtusi ei hindama ega hoidma.
Tulemuseks on negatiivne iive ja rahva väljasuremine. Millegipärast nähakse lahendusena võõrtööliste sissetoomist. Selline samm aga paneb viimasega põntsu perekonnale kui ühiskonna ja rahvusriigi alustoele - küsiks selle retoorilise küsimuse - Kas sellist Eestit me tahtsime.

02 March, 2007

Taganevad Nõukogude väed muutsid vabriku rusuhunnikuks

"Ja veel praegugi leidub inimesi, kes meelsamini jätkavad soovitud tegelikkuse uskumist ega taha midagi kuulda tegelikest sündmustest.

Räägime jahh sellest mida inimesed (oops sorry poliitikud) ei taha meenutada. Miks unustatakse see, et revolutsiooni mis hävitas Venemaa ja ligi 60 miljonit venelast (eestlased ja "muud" lähevad veel eraldi sinna otsa) ja mille "ehitasid" Venemaal, Saksamaalt ja isegi USAst saabunud JUUDID. Samuti olid nemad need kes juhtisid hävituspataljone ja GULAGI mis nõudsid nii paljude eestlaste elusi (rääkimata teistest "suure kodumaa" rahvastest) - aga EI koogutame Zuroffi ja muude sionistidest ekstremistide (meenutage mis toimub Palestiinas viimased ligi 60a !!! ) ees ning süüdistame venelasi. Ma ei väida, et venelased oleks mingid müürilillekesed aga propaganda ja suunamine tuli juutidelt. Nüüd võtan aega ja vaatan kaua see komm siin püsib.
Võetakse maha ja veel süüdistatakse MIND vihkamise õhutamises ??!!! Aga venelasi vihkamises süüdistada või ?? Aga eestlasi ? Kõike võib aga mitte juute - nende kuriteod kaovad ajaloo hämarusse - meenutage Piiblist lugusid kuidas juuda hõimud käisid külast külla ja linnast linna tappes ja vägistades kõik kes ette jäid ja hiljem panid veel põlema hävitades jälgi. Kui aga mõni rahvus tõastab pead ja saadab juutides kurjategijad välja siis kisatakse kuidas maailmas vohab antisemitism. See ei tule õhust see on põhjustatud Talmudi inimvihkajalikust poliitkast KÕIKIDE mitte juutide vastu...Ja veel praegugi leidub inimesi, kes meelsamini jätkavad soovitud tegelikkuse uskumist ega taha midagi kuulda tegelikest sündmustest.